Dreams pass into the reality of action.
From the actions stems the dream again;
and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.
~Anais Nin

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Grandpa's wisdom

My Grandpa said something to me today that, for some reason, meant a lot. He asked me if I was ready to take my CPA tests on Friday. I was reluctantly honest and said no. Then he said, "Well, thats ok. Take them anyway."

I know that it may seem like a silly, off the cuff remark, but it really made me feel good. I'm not ready for these tests. They are not the type of tests that I think you can truly be ready for. But I have done as well as I could in preparing myself, and I'll try my hardest come Friday.

It hasn't been easy. I haven't studied as much as I should or could have. I've been dealing with loneliness, restlessness, living with my family again after being out of the house for several years, and coming to terms with the fact that I will very soon loose a dearly loved great-grandmother. I wanted to do so much else with this time that I have been home.

I wanted to spend it with my brother out having fun.
I wanted to work on my cooking skills for my dad.
I wanted to help keep the house picked up better for my mom.
I wanted to spend more time with my great grandma.
I wanted to start my scrap booking.
I wanted to study up on my French for my trip.
I wanted to work on my quilt with my grandma.

But instead, I was reading about auditing and business concepts. Blah. Nose in book and plugs in ears.

I hope this was time well spent. I'm praying like mad that I pass these tests. But even if I don't, even if it ends up I was unprepared, I took them anyway. I tried. I gave it my best.

It's hard to live with no regrets. If I studied non-stop, I would have missed the little I got to do while I've been home. If I had done more of the things I wanted to do, I would no doubt fail these tests. I've struck the best balance I could, and the hope is that I will have managed the best of both.

In 3 days, I guess we'll find out.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow Melinda! May God bless you with a clear mind to remember all that you've studied and grace to do your best! My friend has been repeating a phrase for me that I've found very simple, but somehow it helps to be reminded: "the God who brought you this far is not going to leave you stranded!"
Love, Katie