Dreams pass into the reality of action.
From the actions stems the dream again;
and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.
~Anais Nin

Monday, March 3, 2008

Belgian Waffles are AMAZING.....

...in case anyone was wondering.

So Bonjour mes amies! Just a quick note before I head out to do some studying.

This Saturday Kristoffer and I went out and saw just a few of the sights around Brussels. First of all, we made a trip to the train station and managed to book our tickets to Paris surprisingly easy for how painfully difficult it has been to try and use the online ticketing system. We leave Friday afternoon for the City of Lights. I'm looking forward to going back to Paris! This is my first time going back to a European city I've already been to. It's so wonderful to think that I will kinda know my way around!

So after the tickets were purchased we took the metro (subway) to the Grand-Place, which was really beautiful. All of the buildings surrounding the square are in the old gothic style and full of spires and details. We had a lunch at a totally tourist-trap restaurant which was chosen based on the fact that the host (the hawker who stands out on the street trying to bring people in) spoke Swedish of all things! But the food was great and pretty decently priced, so we didn't feel like we had been too suckered. They of course asked us where we were from, and I'm pretty sure that since I was American they felt that they could ask for a tip. Tipping is not standard in Belgium, so it was a little weird that they asked, but we gave the waiter a few Euros because it was good food and service.

Next we went to see the Manneken-Pis, which is this totally underwhelming statue of a naked little boy peeing. It has some sort of historic significance that has to do with the Belgian's feelings toward authority or occupying forces or some such other nonsense. I'm glad it was close to the Grand-Place, otherwise it wouldn't have been worth seeing.

The rest of the weekend was spent pretty quietly. On Friday night we found a great Asian restaurant and we spent the evening with Kristoffer's friend Aron who is interning at the Swedish Embassy here in Brussels. And Sunday was spent grocery shopping and diddling around at home. I had work to do and Kristoffer has a lot of Math to catch up on.

Well, I'm on my way to a cafe to do some studying. Hope all is well and I'd love some comments on my blog if anyone feels the inclination!

PS- Postcards for Great grandma and Grandma & Grandpa are on the way, so those of you at home, keep an eye out!


Anonymous said...

Ok first off quit telling people your american - just nod and smile ;)

second I need more explanation of the waffle??

We'll watch for the postcard
Love ya Mom

Douglys! said...

Just know that it wasn't my idea to make a sculpture of a boy taking a piss. I have a little more class than that...not much, but a little. Now, a sculpture of a little kid with his head shoved up an elephant's backside, that's my kind of art! jk
I hope you're enjoying your time in Europe! And try to show the world that not all Americans are imbeciles. Live life like it is on purpose!