Dreams pass into the reality of action.
From the actions stems the dream again;
and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.
~Anais Nin

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's My Birthday

It's now officially my birthday.

Woo hoo 23!

I'm not really sure how I feel about this one. I think I may have a better idea tomorrow. Right now I'm just stressing out again about my cpa exams and wondering if I'm going to be prepared for these next ones.

I don't have any major plans really for my birthday. I'll be going with my mom to get my first pedicure ever tomorrow morning, but other than that....nothing. I've always wanted a big crazy party, but that's hard to do when my birthday has fallen during finals for the last 4 years and then this year I'm living 200 miles away from all of my friends. :( Ah well. Maybe next year I'll have a big sh-bang.

Other than that, I'm just back in g-view these days. I made it home ok from my trip, was jet lagged for about a week, and had SO much fun wine tasting at my friend Jessica's bachelorette party this last weekend. I already feel like I've been home for so long but it's only been 2 weeks! I'm still hoping to get up a narrative on our Turkey trip. There was so much fun stuff! Its really more for me than for anyone else (kind of the way this whole blog is), so I'd love to get it written down.

I miss Europe. I want to go back. And I REALLY miss public transportation with gas at 4 bucks a gallon. That was a shocker when I came home. Even though I read about oil prices rising it was crazy to come home and actually see those prices. Just so everyone remembers, in February (when I left) prices were still around $3.20. BUT it is SO nice to be back where food is more reasonably priced and the produce is BIG. :)

Anyway, this week my family and I will be heading up to Canada for our cave diving adventure. I'm really looking forward to that and I think it will be comforting to be doing some traveling again. I have a severe case of wander lust mixed with cabin fever because I don't want to drive with these stupid gas prices and should be studying anyway.

I'll get up the pictures from the bachelorette party soon, I hope, so be checking my pictures for that!

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