Dreams pass into the reality of action.
From the actions stems the dream again;
and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.
~Anais Nin

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bored Ramblings

I've been extremely lax on keeping up with this blog site. Since I've been home, there has been lots of people to share the mundane details of my daily life with, so I haven't felt the need to journal them. But as uneventful as I feel my life is right now, some fun things have been happening...

The wedding of my friend Jessica was really fun. Cassy, Katie, and I really enjoyed ourselves (if I can speak for the other two), and Jessica was absolutely glowing the whole evening. Even with the tears that appeared, there was genuine happiness through the evening and I think it went off quite well. The one downer was that I had borrowed my mom's camera, mine had been acting funny since our canada trip, and it ended up missing by the end of the evening. I left it at our table my friends and I had been sitting at, after I had filled the memory card, and when we went to leave it was gone. I was so upset because I had some really great pictures, but not only that, my mom had pictures from our vacation that she hadn't copied yet... :( Sad sad day. It still hasn't turned up...but I'm still hopeful someone will find it amongst their stuff and have the decency to return it. Anyway, that part sucked, but the rest of the night was fun. Cassy, Katie, and I went out to a casino afterwards and reveled in our perspective singledoms.

Onward in time: last week, I spent a day with my grandmother working on the awesome quilt that she's making for me of my sorority and college t-shirts. We finished getting the t-shirts all cut up into perfect little squares, and now its just a matter of her putting it together. I can't help much with that part because of my sadly underdeveloped sewing skills. I can stitch a mean patch and sew up a hole, but the sewing machine scares me a little...

This weekend my brother, his girlfriend and I (yes, I love being the third wheel) saw the new Disney movie WALL-E, which I think is FANTASTIC! For those of you who may not know, I am a total freak when it comes to musicals. I love many of them and like most of them, and there are only a few that I sincerely cannot find any redeeming qualities in. That being said, when the opening montage of the movie featured the uniquely recognizable voice of Michael Crawford singing "Put On Your Sunday Clothes" from Hello Dolly, I just about fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard! My brother was laughing quite hard as well. Our family has a unique relationship with that musical, since both my parents were involved in a local production of it where my dad played Barnaby Tucker and my mom played Minnie Fay. So that started the show off on a fantastic note and it just got better. It was so good that all three of us went to see it again on Sunday with my parents. My mom also got a huge kick out of the opening scene. Moral: GO SEE IT! It's really awesome, even if you don't know Hello Dolly, and if you do it's just that much better!

Saturday was spent studying for me (as most days are), but that evening we went to Hermiston to watch my brother race the race car he and my dad and papa have been working on (and working on...and working on.....). He did pretty good in the races, and it was quite fun to watch him go round and round. He even spun out once, which added some excitement (and took a year off my poor mom's life). The car doesn't have a lot of "umph" to it, so he didn't place very high, but he stuck in there, didn't get lapped by the much faster cars, and the car itself ran pretty good. Over all, a successful night for Wall Racing (we even have our own t-shirts!).

But as I said before, these have been the highlights of my days. Mostly I'm just studying my brains out...literally...I have to pick them up off the floor sometimes. :) I do a lot of studying at the S-bux in the town next to mine. Today I was doing my usual thing, and this guy walks up to me and asks if he can interview me for the Yakima Herald. They are doing some kind of Fourth of July special thingy and each reporter is interviewing lots of folks. So I said sure, and ended up talking a lot about my friends who've been in Iraq, my time abroad and how that affected my patriotism, and the European perspectives on the US that I came in contact with. Who knows if the article will turn out any good, or if they even run mine, but it was fun to be asked.

Well this blog came to you courtesy of the fact that the rest of my family has gone to bed, and I'm sick of television, so this felt like a semi-constructive thing to do. But now its time for bed I think. T-minus one week to go for my exams and then it's FREEDOM! At least until work starts, but I can dream...

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