Dreams pass into the reality of action.
From the actions stems the dream again;
and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.
~Anais Nin

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Tonight it particularly poignant for me: it is the last night I will be sleeping at my parents house under the label of "living" here.

The beginning of this month was all about my exams. I studied like a mad woman and took them two weeks ago. With those thankfully done (I won't find out my results until September) I took the next two days to do some apartment hunting. I soon learned how stressful it is to try to find the "perfect" place and headed home exhausted from the VERY long week with the idea that I would take the weekend off and start the real hunting the next week.

I got home, and collapsed on the couch, with every intention of doing nothing for the next three days (with the exception of celebrating my dad's birthday that evening). A fantastic night's sleep in a proper bed helped revive me since I had been crashing on Michelle, Rachel, and Julie's couch for the past week. But as I came downstairs that morning, my mom was happily clicking away looking at apartment ads. After a conversation with my dad, they decided that it would be best for my mom and me to head back to Seattle that night and try to see some places that weekend. I was reluctant, but we soon had several appointments to see places, so I repacked my bags and we headed again to the west side.

LONG and painful story short: I found an apartment that is FANTASTIC! I'm so excited about it because I think it's just beautiful. I almost didn't get it, but called the contact I had and convinced them that I was a good candidate for the place, and it helped that I was willing to move in asap and pay for part of July.

Which brings us almost current. We signed papers on Tuesday and I've been packing ever since. Tomorrow my mom, brother, and I are moving me in with the truck and my car loaded with all my things and furniture I've inherited from my great grandma (its nice stuff!). I am so thrilled to be getting my own kitchen and bathroom...my first time living on my own! So many people say it's not what it's cracked up to be, but not many people have had the living situations that I've had. I've moved so many times in the last five years, I can't even count, but with the sorority you basically move every quarter just to give you an idea. In the last year I've moved now three times, not including massive packing for travels.

I'm so ready for my own place with my own space--to feel like a real adult. It's a little sad to think that this is really the end of living at home, but it is so time. And there is always visiting. It's time for me to make my own home. So cool.

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